Songs for Ghosts To Haunt...

Maps & Atlases - Trees, Swallows, Houses


 "Our goal was to put existing technical elements in a new context, and create something artistically unique, but still accessible." If rock music is comparable to a game of checkers, Maps & Atlases would be Bobby Fischer, playing a similar but more intellectual game. Their first EP, Tree, Swallows, Houses is a busy record full of mathematical mastery in the vain of Don Caballero and Hella. But the bonus here is, where many math rock bands are all-too-often preoccupied with showing off their ability to play complex rhythms and scales, even when it makes the music unlistenable, Maps & Atlasescontain their sudden changes and maximal musical acrobatics within the confines of a relatively standard four-minute pop song structure that actually sounds like a song. 

